Growing up we are all taught to be good and listen to our preachers, teachers and parents. If we get out of line or make a mistake we are taught that God doesn't love us until we ask for forgiveness. Well we do need to ask for forgiveness for our sins, but God loves everyone and uses a mixture of people to get his word out. Like the following:
Noah was a drunk as it states in Gen. 9:21
Jacob was a liar as it states in Gen. 27
Leah was ugly as it describes her in Gen 29:16-18
Joseph was abused as it goes through his story in Gen. 37: 22-28
Moses had a stuttering problem in Exod. 4:10
Gideon was afraid in Judg. 6:15
Samson had long hair and was a womanizer as it tells his story in Judg. 16:5-17
Rahab was a harlot in Josh. 2:1
Jeremiah and Timothy were too young as it describes in Jer. 1:6
David had an affair and was a murderer as it tells his story in 2 Sam. 11:2-4 and 14-17
Elijah was suicidal in 1 Kings 19:4
Isaiah preached naked in Isa. 20:2
Jonah ran from God in Jon. 1:3
Naomi was a widow in Ruth 1:3
Job went bankrupt in Job 1:21
Peter denied Christ in Mark 14:71
The disciples fell asleep while praying in Matt 26:40
Martha worried about everything in Luke 10:40-42
The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once in John 4:17-18
Zaccheus was too small in Luke 19:2-3
Paul was too religious in Acts 22:1-5
Timothy had an ulcer in 1 Tim. 5:23
and Lazarus was dead in John 11
Next time you are feeling down about something or someone in your life you can revert back to these people and realize that God does use anyone and everyone :)
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